Tuesday, March 6, 2007


"The damned thing works!" - Telegram to one of his backers on September 7, 1927, the day Farnsworth transmitted the image of a horizontal line to a receiver in the adjacent room of his San Francisco lab.

Check out FARNoVision or the Farnsworth Family Archives as great resources for studying
Philo T. Farnsworth. You can't get any more authentic than Farnovision.

Some of the Farnsworth gang discovered our our Mass Comm blogs and suggested we check out the
Farnsworth family sites.

I personally enjoyed the Farnovision feature called "What Would Philo Be
Watching?" I feel my television choices are reaffirmed as I TiVo five of the shows mentioned as Philo-worthy. Two of the shows make strong commentary on the state of television in this country- Studio 60 & 30 Rock.

Here's a trivia question for members of the class (or anyone out there reading). Identify the animated television character named after Philo Farnsworth?