Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Reviewing "Crash"

Here's the Mass Comm blog assignment for the Week of March 11-17, 2007.

You’re now an online movie critic. Your assignment this week is to blog a movie review (500-700 words) for Crash. Here’s a list of things to consider when writing a movie review:
  • Who’s your audience and write for them.
    • Where could you post this review in addition to your blog?
  • Take notes during a screening of the movie—
    • Note what you like or hate—what works and doesn’t work.
  • Do some research (and cite sources when appropriate) about the film or filmmakers.
    • What you know can enhance your credibility when criticizing or praising.
  • Quote characters when appropriate.
  • Tell me if the movie is worth my time?
    • Why or why not?
    • THIS IS YOUR OPINION. It's okay to have an opinion.
    • Be genuine and giving with it, but counter obvious objections.
    • If you take a particular hard line with filmmakers, actors, etc., what would you say to them?
  • Summarize the plot, themes (messages), setting and major characters.
    • For Crash the major theme is cleary RACISM.
    • But don’t give everything away—unless the movie’s so bad you want to spoil it—and if you’re writing a spoiler alert the reader in advance so they can quit reading.
  • Identify and discuss key elements of the movie that are outstanding or miserable and touch on the why and how.
    • These elements can be in the form of acting performances, casting, special effects, writing, directing, etc. Just take on the elements that are significant—you don’t have a lot of space to write.
  • Rate the movie at the conclusion of the review—try to be original with your grade.
    • If you can’t come up with something that’s not corny go with a letter grade or a one to ten scale.
Other things to include:
  • Add links to trailers, clips, etc.
  • Embed a clip if you like the film.
  • Write a catchy headline. The review should deliver on the headline.
  • Reference, quote or integrate concepts from Walter Lippman.
  • I've included a link here to Roger Ebert's review in case you want to see what the big boys do when they write a review. Don't mimic-- make it your review-- plan, organize and make the case around your take on the movie and make a recommendation and stand behind it.

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