Monday, February 12, 2007

TIME To Go To The Video, Please

TIME Inc., the publishing arm of Time Warner, is adding video studios to the operations for 130 magazines as the brass there sees the future in online video. Sounds like we'll have all these micro-niche channels catering to psychographics online.

This announcement comes a few days after the New York Times publisher publicly wondered if he'd even be publishing the newspaper in five years. That came just a few days after the NY Times announced it was starting up it's own attempt to mirror the YouTube craze of capitalizing on user created video. The Times will add it's own version of embedded video files users post and send.

On top of that an study claims two-thirds of all web users are using streaming video at least once a week. I'm telling you the future of media is connected with user created content and that content includes video. That includes documentaries, guys! Ironic that you're reading about old media like newspaper, magazines and books right now in class and this stuff makes it into the news this week.


sarsacortazzo said...

Thanks for the compliments on my post about 30 days. I enjoyed the episode we watched and did feel strongly about it. I really loved that quote that I put as the title...I thought it was very moving and wanted it somewhere prominent where everyone would be sure to read it!

Liz Farry said...

I think a definite plus of video being added to all these media is that there are just more places to get a job! It might take looking at companies that I wouldn't usually think of looking at.